I don’t know who wrote the following article about Roanoke, Virginia, United States of America. But I found it searching around for some info to answer some questions that Nate asked… it struck me as one of those cool medieval mysteries that we just will never ever know the answer to…. unless someone invents a

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Google Voice Google have a new service coming out soon called Google Voice – its in Beta the moment. I applied for it a month back and just got an email from them last night – basically Google Voice lets you choose a free telephone number which can be diverted to any number you own.

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Honestly, I despair of the RPG monkeys that knock up code that’s as bad as some of the things I’m working on currently. I found a great term to describe what I’ve been doing of late: refactoring Refactoring is a disciplined technique for restructuring an existing body of code, altering its internal structure without changing

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No. It’s a website which millions of people visit every day, or in some cases every hour of the every day so they can satisfy their inherent need to spy on their friends and family. It’s also used to grow crops and bug people in the incredibly annoying Farmthing application. You can also really annoy

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