IBM i Housekeeping 101 – Deleting old Journal Receivers Following on from the blog I wrote about “What is an IBM i Journal?“ We know that IBM i journals record what happens to files, and we know that this record is kept in these things called journal receivers. What is a Journal Receiver? An IBMi

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IBM i Journals are the Sherlock Holmes of data storage. IBM i Journal keeps a log of events, just like your Diary. Imagine writing down every single thing that happened to you during the day. This is what a journal does for any file on the system. Me – trying to explain what a journal

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Come with me while I go on a journey of discovery setting sail from the land of Legacy AS400 coding techniques, sailing over the horizon in search of the future of IBM i Coding Techniques. The mission is to migrate away from green screen, also known as command line interface, and leave the old trusty

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Converting an old Physical File (PF) to a modern SQL table can significantly enhance your database’s functionality and performance. Here are the general steps to achieve this: Here’s a simple example of how you might convert a PF to an SQL table: Creating SQL TABLES is easy – so How do we convert old DDS

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