How to upload a SAVF using IFS to IBM i Systems
The IBM i Operating System has terrifically flexible functionality giving us the ability to interface with any operating system in the world. We also enjoy cool functions like the Integrated File System (IFS) – which makes the IBM i storage area look and act just like a windows server.
Prior to the IFS - we used FTP to upload/download files which is a little clunky and not exactly user friendly.
Luckily, using IBM I ACS and it's IFS Explorer is a game changer.
Uploading and downloading using the IFS is as simple as a little drag and drop.
Let's look at how to upload a SAVF from your PC to the IBM i System in a few simple clicks:
Launch IBM i ACS
You can click Integrated File System from the main screen or press the shortcut CTRL/I
Choose your IFS destination
Select the SAVF you want to upload from your download location on your PC (for example C:\download) and upload to your IFS folder (I suggest using /home/username - in this example I will be using /home/nick)
You can click ACTIONS > UPLOAD from the IF screen or press the shortcut CTRL/U
Select your SAVF on your PC and upload it:
Once uploaded you can use the CPY command to copy this uploaded SAVF into any IBM I *SAVF
Create a Save File to hold the uploaded file
Copy the uploaded *SAVF from the IFS into the actual Save File
This will convert it from PC format to IBM i format:
CPY OBJ(‘/home/username/savefilename.savf’) TOOBJ(‘/qsys.lib/mylib.lib/mysavf.file’) FROMCCSID(PCASCII) TOCCSID(37) REPLACE(YES)
Note the from obj is the exact file name of the upload it could be called anything. The file extension is not important.
Note that the to obj is the exact file name of the *SAVF you created. The file extension of .FILE is important
Check the SAVF contents
DSPSAVF mylib/mysavf
Now restore it and get on with the day with a cheeky grin...