Pushing changes to the remote with GIT from IBM i

Once you have connected your local Git repository on your IBM i system to a remote repository, such as one hosted on GitHub or GitLab, you can start pushing your local commits to the remote. Pushing your changes to the remote repository is an essential part of the Git workflow, as it allows you to share your work with your team and synchronize your IBM i application development across different systems. In this lesson, we'll cover the process of pushing changes to a remote repository from your IBM i system.

Step 1: Access the PASE Environment

If you're using Git installed in the IBM i Portable Application Solutions Environment (PASE), you'll need to access the PASE command line. You can do this by logging in to your IBM i system and running the following command:

call qp2term

This will take you to the PASE command prompt, where you can run Git commands.

Step 2: Navigate to the Git Repository

Navigate to the directory where you have initialized your Git repository. This is typically the directory where your IBM i application source code is located. You can use the cd command to change directories, for example:

cd /home/myuser/myapp

Step 3: Ensure the Remote is Configured

Before you can push your changes, you need to ensure that your local repository is properly connected to the remote repository. You can verify this by running the git remote -v command:

git remote -v

This will display the URLs for the remote repositories that are currently configured for your local repository.

Step 4: Stage and Commit Your Changes

If you have made any changes to your IBM i application source code, you'll need to stage and commit those changes before pushing them to the remote repository. Use the git add and git commit commands to do this:

git add .
git commit -m "Implement new feature XYZ"

This will stage all the modified files in the current directory and create a new commit with the changes.

Step 5: Push the Changes to the Remote

Now that your changes are committed, you can push them to the remote repository using the git push command:

git push origin main

This will push the commits from your local "main" branch to the remote "origin" repository.

If you have set up multiple remote repositories, you can specify the remote name (e.g., "origin") and the branch name (e.g., "main") to push to the desired remote and branch.

Step 6: Verify the Push

After running the git push command, you can use the git log command to verify that your changes have been successfully pushed to the remote repository:

git log --oneline --graph --all

This will display the commit history in a graphical format, showing the branches and the pushed commits.

In summary, pushing your changes to a remote Git repository is a crucial step in the Git workflow, especially when working on IBM i applications in a collaborative environment. By following these steps, you can effectively share your work with your team and ensure that your IBM i application development is synchronized across different systems.

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