What is Git on IBM i

Git on IBM i (also known as IBM i or AS/400) refers to the use of the Git version control system on the IBM i operating system.

Some key points about using Git on IBM i:

Learn Git on IBM i

Git Installation

Git can be installed on IBM i systems, either through the IBM i Portable Application Solutions Environment (PASE) or by using a Git client on a separate system that can access the IBM i.

This allows developers to leverage the power of Git for managing source code and collaborating on IBM i applications.

Integrating with IBM i Development

Git can be used to manage source code for IBM i applications, including RPG, COBOL, CL, and other IBM i-specific languages.

Developers can use Git to track changes, create branches, merge code, and collaborate with team members, all while working on their IBM i applications.

Advantages of using Git on IBM i

Improved version control and code management compared to traditional IBM i source control systems.

Ability to leverage the wide range of Git tools, workflows, and integrations.

Easier collaboration and code sharing, especially for teams working on IBM i applications.

Better support for modern software development practices, such as continuous integration and deployment.


Integrating Git with existing IBM i development processes and tooling may require some effort and planning.

Developers need to be trained on Git concepts and workflows, especially if they are new to distributed version control systems.

Ensuring the security and integrity of IBM i source code when using a remote Git repository is an important consideration.

In summary, using Git on IBM i can provide significant benefits for IBM i developers and teams, allowing them to take advantage of the powerful features and ecosystem of the Git version control system while still working on their IBM i applications.

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