SEU is an archaic beast with a fond place in the hearts of all IBM i Programmers...

You can use the Source Entry Utility (SEU) to enter your source statements. SEU also provides prompting for the different specification templates as well as syntax checking. To start SEU, use the STRSEU (Start Source Entry Utility) command. For other ways to start and use SEU, refer to the ADTS for AS/400: Source Entry Utility manual.

If you name your source file QRPGLESRC, SEU automatically sets the source type to RPGLE when it starts the editing session for a new member. Otherwise, you have to specify RPGLE when you create the member.

If you need prompting after you type STRSEU, press F4. The STRSEU display appears, lists the parameters, and supplies the default values. If you supply parameter values before you request prompting, the display appears with those values filled in.

In the following example you enter source statements for a program which will print employee information from a master file. This example shows you how to:

  • Create a library
  • Create a source physical file
  • Start an SEU editing session
  • Enter source statements.
  • To create a library called MYLIB, type:


    The CRTLIB command creates a library called MYLIB.

    To create a source physical file called QRPGLESRC type:

    CRTSRCPF FILE(MYLIB?QRPGLESRC) RCDLEN(112) TEXT('Source physical file for ILE RPG programs')

    The CRTSRCPF command creates a source physical file QRPGLESRC in library MYLIB.

    To start an editing session and create source member EMPRPT type:


    Entering OPTION(2) indicates that you want to start a session for a new member. The STRSEU command creates a new member EMPRPT in file QRPGLESRC in library MYLIB and starts an edit session.

    {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}