

IBM i | AS400 | iSeries

25 Lessons

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Programming - What is the best IBM i Code Editor?

Using an IDE (integrated development environment ) for the IBM i Power System can seem daunting at first. It's a big upgrade for established programmers, comfortable using SEU.

But, modern IBM i professionals swear by the graphical IDE, particularly compared to older greenscreen coding environments like PDM and SEU. In this course we will cover all the main elements of using an IDE to write code in both RPGLE, CL, PF, LF , SQL, DSPF and PRTF and more.

Ready to learn?


IBM i Software Developer, Digital Dad, AS400 Anarchist, RPG Modernizer, Shameless Trekkie, Belligerent Nerd, Englishman Abroad and Passionate Eater of Cheese and Biscuits.

Nick Litten Dot Com is a mixture of blog posts that can be sometimes serious, frequently playful and probably down-right pointless all in the space of a day.

Enjoy your stay, feel free to comment and remember: If at first you don't succeed then skydiving probably isn't a hobby you should look into.
