

IBM i | AS400 | iSeries

41 Lessons

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Visual Studio Code for IBM i Programmers

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a popular source code editor developed by Microsoft that supports various programming languages, including IBM i (iSeries, AS/400) languages such as RPG, COBOL, and CL. With the help of extensions and plugins, VS Code can be transformed into a powerful tool for IBM i programming, providing features like syntax highlighting, code completion, debugging, and more.Enter your text here...

If you are an IBM i Programmer (or perhaps an old AS400 or iSeries programmer that is out of retirement and trying to step back into the modern world of IBM i Programming) then hopefully this course will help.

Code for IBM i - Powerful VSCode Extension

IBM i Source Orbit - Source Management System

Git - Distributed Version Control System

BOB - Better Object Builder for IBM i

Project Explorer - Navigating Files and Folders

Ready to learn?


IBM i Software Developer, Digital Dad, AS400 Anarchist, RPG Modernizer, Shameless Trekkie, Belligerent Nerd, Englishman Abroad and Passionate Eater of Cheese and Biscuits.

Nick Litten Dot Com is a mixture of blog posts that can be sometimes serious, frequently playful and probably down-right pointless all in the space of a day.

Enjoy your stay, feel free to comment and remember: If at first you don't succeed then skydiving probably isn't a hobby you should look into.
