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From AS400 to iSeries to System i to IBM i on Power
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AKA – writing a new DSPLY opcode that shows more than 52 characters Using the DSPLY opcode to quickly debug a program has long been a staple of us RPG keyboard whackers. The DSPLY operation lets us “display the data in a variable” onto the screen. Everyone uses this quick and dirty technique and everyone …
another old snippet from an ancient document I found in a dim dark and hazy corner of an even older and crustier HDD… rather than let it disintegrate, here it is migrating to the web just in the (extreme) off chance that it may be useful to someone out there…. 😉
Debug a program in BATCH.
1. Hold the JobQ (Eg: QBATCH)
2. Submit the job.
3. Hold the job – Take option 3 against the job in “Work with submitted jobs”.
4. Release the JobQ
5. Take option 5 against the job to be debugged and make a note of the “Job Name”, “User”, and “Job Number”.
6. Execute the command STRSRVJOB – Start Service Job. Input the Job Name, User, Job Number.
7. STRDBG – Start Debug.
AS400, IBM i, iSeries, Programming, RPG
Pointing at Pointers and laughing aka “How to Display Pointer Data” RPG has all kinds of different data types. In the olden days of RPG, we only really thought in terms of character variables and numeric variables (signed numeric and packed numeric). But as the language has advanced and adopted new technologies, methods of talking …
AS400, IBM i, iSeries, Programming, RPG
How to view big fat fields using the RPG Debugger In my on-going mission to to prove that you can teach an old dog new tricks… I learned a neat one today. I was trying to debug an IBMi Web Interface program (IBM RPG/FreeFormat Language) that was blowing the 64k field size limit when reading …