Trick Question – the answer is moot because the AS400 is long dead. That glorious old creamy compuiter system hasn’t been around for decades. But, it’s grandson, the IBM POWER SYSTEM has a fully backward compatible version of the DLS. So, the question might be more accurately asked liked this: Is the IBM i DLS

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So, an old colleague of mine just asked me: “Nick, I’m going to need your help here, it occurred to me that we don’t have a plan for backing up those Vendor Schedules we turned into pdf’s on the DLS a while back. QDLS is easy but IFS, is it just the same thing really

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Ever created an IFS file with a whacky file name? As part of my testing routines for the new IBMi Data Distribution commands (DSTDTA and DSTSPLF) I was creating and testing all kinds of documents in the integrated File system. Taking any file from the good ole iSeries and converting it to TXT, PDF, XML,

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IFS or DLS? The IFS is probably one of my favorite things about IBM i. The Integrated File System (IFS) is a layer of software that lets the rest of your ‘Windows’ World talk directly to that big Black IBM Super Server in the corner. The beauty of it is…. those widows machines don’t even know

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