IBM i Data Obfuscation – Making Data Foggy Murky and Squinty A little while ago, I wrote a data obfuscation tool – which I decided to call Data Fogging. This is specifically to solve the data privacy problems that we face when we want to suck down real data from production environments to our development

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I found this wonderful article over at Midrange Blog It does exactly what I am trying to do: Lets me encrypt a certain field (column) in a table so that its encrypted as its added and updated. It also lets me automatically decrypt it when I read the record back (the only caveat is that

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I wrote a data encryption routine a few years ago. In my ongoing mission to refactor my old utilities, I was looking at it this weekend thinking about ways to improve it: The basic premise behind my routine is to read a row of information from a file, perform encryption of said data based on

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