I’ve been busy doing real work the last few evenings and seeing my wonderful kids (but HEY I’m biased) so the time I had planned for this website revamp has just kind of drifted away like smoke through my fingers. I managed to grab a few hours this evening and have just completed the Drupal

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It’s Dirty but it works! So this is a technique that I discovered while trying to get WDSSC7.0.0.8 working with the April 2013 build of Turnover V100 Windows Client. This works but I wouldn’t recommend it as this is a much simpler solution. Well.. while we are waiting for Unicom to release a backward-compatible plugins

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Firstly, let me say a big THANKYOU for trying to hack this, my website. I shall take it as a a compliment, a quick little thumbs up, and smile at the quirky thought process that lead you to try and login to my blog site. Shame on you, naughty little thing. Do you think there

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