RPG INDICATORS are switches Just like car indicators (or ‘blinkers’ as my American cousins call them) they can be switched *ON or *OFF in a program to indicate the state of a certain piece of logic. In the IBM RPG language, it used to logically flick the switch of a numeric indicator 01-99 to “indicate”

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Indicators Suck! So, lets look at two simple alternatives to make your RPG code more readable and easier to understand and modify. (1) RPG Named Indicators When is an RPG indicator more than just a number? We can use a named data structure to overlay over the top of all the indicators used in the program.

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Code400.com is probably the best RPG programming related forum around (Bob Cozzi’s comes in a close second but the UI is just awful and I really cant spend to long trying to navigate around without getting annoyed… but I digress…). I frequently read neat little tricks and this is a smart one I saw a

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