I was recording a VSCODE for IBM i video this morning, talking about the different ways of storing our RPGLE code as a bound RPGLE program, or as separate modules which are then bound into a program with the CRTPGM command. So, I accidentally wrote this description of OPM vs ILE and realized that it

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In our clan of gray haired AS400 and iSERIES programmers, we all have roots in the good old RPG LOGIC CYCLE. We have one foot in the old world of huge programs with tens of thousands of lines written in a very start-middle-end style, often with many subroutines. The other foot is in the modern

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What is an RPG language HELLO WORLD program? A “Hello, World!” program is a simple computer program that outputs or displays the iconic phrase “Hello, World!” to a user. This humble program serves as a fundamental introduction to programming languages and illustrates their basic syntax. Let’s explore this tradition further: The “Hello, World!” program typically

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RPG Subprocedure Tips and Techniques The use of subprocedures in your applications should be on everyone’s “to do” list this year. You don’t need to drop everything and rewrite your applications to take advantage of subprocedures and many other benefits that the Integrated Language Environment (ILE) offers.  However, when writing new applications or performing major

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Rules for good coding style I started this with the idea of writing a blog about “Rules for good RPG coding style”, I was discussing this with an old friend and colleague yesterday. He moved away from the AS400 machine, just as it was being replaced with the old iSeries machine. He’s now spent nearly

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Free Form RPG ILE Logic Example I was recording a screencast about modernizing some old RPG400 to ILE RPG this morning and had to knock up this little code example showing the difference between legacy RPG400 code and modern RPG ILE code. Note, this is not an example of good code (it’s crappy old RPG

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Let’s look at a quick little example RPG email validation program – SQLRPGLE ILE There are lots of code snippets, example programs, and long waffling discussions in internet land filled with pointy-headed AS400, Series, and IBM i programmer chaps (and chappettes) arguing about the best way to “validate an email address in RPG”. I know

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Do Loops in RPG Whenever I find myself editing some old RPG3 or RPG400 code, I try to spend a coffee* cleaning the code up to a more modern and readable form. * A ‘coffee’ is the amount of time it takes to drink a regular cup of brew. This is slightly shorter than the

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This is purely a little memory jogger for me. Nothing to read here move along move along….. I just upgraded an old program that had a piece of code doing this: C  DS#POS Div 256 POSLIN C         Mvr POSCOL This old RPG400 code is reading the cursor position from the display

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This morning I had an email from a blog subscriber ( Hi Rick! ) asking for a code tips on how to cleanup IFS file names to remove erroneous characters and/or malformed directory name slashes. Rather than reply with a plethora of programming options — here is an old, but functional, RPG code snippet that

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Upgraded our IBM i systems to IBM i V7.3 yesterday and so far everything is running nicely except for this one weird little glitch: some of the existing DDS WINDOW SCREENS are bombing with CPF4169 The device file does not contain an entry for screen size when they seem to have been quietly working for years,

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