Join me on a mission to connect to a SQL Server database from IBM i This will be a growing blog… I’m going to use this to record a diary of sorts, chronicling my adventures in accessing and reading a Microsoft SQL Database direct from an IBM i application. Apparently, if the bods at Microsoft

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SQLRPGLE Shorts – How to Call QCMDEXC with IBM i SQL Surely every RPG programmer is familiar with the QCMDEXC *API for exciting any IBM i Command from within any HLL (High Level Language) program. What is QCMDEXC? The Execute Command (QCMDEXC) API runs a single command. It is used to run a command from

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How to Download IBM i SQL Results As CSV I had to run a rather interesting SQL statement to download journal information: What does this do? Essentially, this SQL snippet retrieves journal entry information for the given journal and the file that is journaled. Running this in the IBM i ACS SQL script explorer gives

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Count with SQLRPGLE Variable File Name Been having fun with SQL and RPG ILE this afternoon… the question was “How do I find out if and how many policies exist in one of the reservation files for a given customer code?” Obviously, we could write a little piece of RPGLE doing a READ LOOP and

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EXTPRC – External Procedures Question: How do I promote External Procedure using Turnover and get them to automatically *REPLACE on the destination machine? Answer: Like this! The problem here, is that SQL Stored Procedures have no equivalent of *REPLACE on the CREATE PROCEDURE statement! That’s easy – “just add a Drop to line one of the

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