Going the (Levenshtein) Distance Over on the RPG Cafe website, a nice chap called Smit Dixit published a sample of his RPGLE code calculating the Levenshtein distance between two words. What is the Levenshtein Distance? The Levenshtein distance is a string metric for measuring difference between two sequences. Informally, the Levenshtein distance between two words

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I wanted a handy little RPG code snippet to return the day name for a date. My requirement was to  feed in a date like “Nov 30 2017” and it to tell me that its ‘Thursday’. Google to the rescue, I found a nice little article by RAFAEL VICTORIA-PEREIRA (Thankyou Sir!) which has a code sample

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This morning I got question from an old RPG3 chum of mine: I know a couple of questions they will ask me, what are the different parms used on sub-procedures like *OMIT/*Nopass. Didn’t we use those any way? I thought we were writing programs that did or did not necessarily get parms depending what called

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