I keep all my devices in sync with this excellent opensource tool called OUTLOOK GOOGLE CALENDAR SYNC I bloody love this little utility. It smoothly keeps my calendar and contacts fully synchonised between my mobile phone, tablets, work desktop, work phone. It runs on my work PC and my home PC, both locations that I

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UPDATE JUNE 2018 Sadly FIELDSTONE stopped supporting gSyncit V4 when they released a new version, cunningly called gSyncit V5. Now if I want to continue using this to sync my devices I have to pay again! Which sucks 🙁 I now use the new kid on the block OUTLOOK GOOGLE CALENDAR SYNC which keeps my

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UPDATE OCTOBER 2014: A few months ago, Google announced they were discontinuing Google Sync and Google Calendar Sync. These applications were designed to synchronize Gmail accounts with Outlook, various devices and other software via Microsoft’s Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) protocol. That time has come and I found that this free google sync stopped working properly. GOOD

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