Limiting QZDASOINIT Jobs: Effective Strategies for IBM i Resource Management

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August 6, 2024

Limiting QZDASOINIT Jobs: Effective Strategies for IBM i Resource Management

By NickLitten

August 6, 2024


To set limitations on QZDASOINIT jobs using IBM i resources, you can follow these steps:

  1. Query Supervisor: Starting from IBM i 7.3, you can use the Query Supervisor to monitor resource consumption by SQL and native queries in real-time. You can set threshold levels for specific scenarios, and when these thresholds are met, the query execution is interrupted.
  2. Workload Capping: Introduced in IBM i 7.1, workload capping allows you to define the number of processors assigned to a workload group. This can limit the number of processors used by QZDASOINIT jobs. To apply this to specific jobs, route them to a specific subsystem defined as part of a workload group.
  3. Managing Workload Groups: You can manage workload groups by changing the run priority of a host server prestart job. Prestart job entries assign a pool and a class to a job while it is being started. Classes contain parameters such as run priority, timeslice, eligible for purge, default wait time, maximum CPU time, and maximum temporary storage.
  4. Changing Prestart Job Parameters: Use the command CHGPJE SBSD(QUSRWRK) PGM(QSYS/QZDASOINIT) to change parameters like the initial number of jobs, threshold, additional number of jobs, maximum number of jobs, and maximum number of uses.
  5. Preventing New Jobs from Starting: To end database prestart jobs and prevent new ones from starting, use the commands ENDHOSTSVR SERVER(*DATABASE) and ENDPJ SBS(QUSRWRK) PGM(QZDASOINIT).

These steps should help you manage and limit the resources used by QZDASOINIT jobs effectively.

IBM have a terrific resource describing options to limit the number of resources that are used by all or some of the QZDASOINIT prestart jobs to make more resources available for other jobs.

Check it out here > Setting Limitations on Resources Used by the QZDASOINIT Prestart Jobs (

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