About From old RPG to modern RPGLE
Now you've poked your "programming stick" into the mound of old-fashioned RPG code, let's step into the wonderful world of modern RPGLE
Module Content
Now you've poked your "programming stick" into the mound of old-fashioned RPG code, let's step into the wonderful world of modern RPGLE
RPG Evolution, Modernization and Refactoring
RPG Evolution, Modernization and Refactoring - Starting with RPG 2 and the dreaded Logic Cycle
RPG Evolution, Modernization and Refactoring - RPG Three becomes Four
RPG Evolution, Modernization and Refactoring - Taking RPG4 into the modern code world
RPG Evolution, Modernization and Refactoring - Setting RPG Free
RPG Evolution, Modernization and Refactoring - Finally some modern RPG FREE FORMAT
Watch some real-time RPG Modernization
Modernize AS400 RPG to IBM i RPGLE Come with me on an RPG journey from archaic 1980's style RPG 2 to modern 2021 style RPG ILE
Starting with some RPG2 Logic Cycle Code
A little polish takes us to RPG3 wider format
RPG400 - Enter the AS400 - no Bruce Lee
Setting RPG Free - RPG ILE Free Format Let's look at an older subfile code example written in RPGLE /Free I did not write this original code, but it's a reasonably good example and definitely a good example to break apart. copy/paste. compile and test. Let's dive in!