About Modern RPG : Service Programs
An IBM-i Service Program is a collection of reusable procedures and data items that can be accessed by other Integrated Language Environment (ILE) programs or service programs on the IBM i (AS400/iSERIES) system.
Module Content
An IBM-i Service Program is a collection of reusable procedures and data items that can be accessed by other Integrated Language Environment (ILE) programs or service programs on the IBM i (AS400/iSERIES) system.
An IBM-i Service Program is a collection of reusable procedures and data items that can be accessed by other Integrated Language Environment (ILE) programs or service programs on the IBM i (AS400/iSERIES) system.
Let's take a ten year old service program, modernise it and talk through how it works. Service programs are easy!
RPG service programs provide a powerful way to organize and manage your code, making development more efficient and your applications more reliable. Are you working on a specific project where you’re considering using service programs?