Protonmail – the ultimate Email solution?
I’ve been searching for a replacement for google mail for the longest time. I’ve finally found one.
Goodby Google and Hello Proton!
I’ve applied to be a Proton Mail ambassador…. watch this space.
Add Custom Domain to Protonmail
Let’s add my custom domain to my new Proton Email This will let my new Protonmail account send and receive emails as, as well as the default email address: The first thing we will need to do is is define the domain name we will be using (in my case its and…
How long does Protonmail take to import emails?
Migrating from Gmail to Protonmail took just over an hour for 24k emails I’ve been using Gmail since the early 2000’s – Yikes!! Over twenty years of my digital life stored on Google’s servers? No wonder they bombard me with very specific targetted advertising 😉 I originally watched the import process and was bemoaning the…
Protonmail First Thoughts
Protonmail feels like Gmail! Both Protonmail and Gmail have similar features and can be used on any device. Protonmail also has many more privacy settings and comes with aquivalent for calendar, contacts, drive plus a wonderful VPN option! ProtonMail has to a clean, minimalist design with separate boxes delineating different areas in the screen ui. I like this a…