RPG Code Hints and Tips – using slash Title Mainline

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April 20, 2011

RPG Code Hints and Tips – using slash Title Mainline

By NickLitten

April 20, 2011

RPG, mainline, slash, title

I’m in the middle of refactoring a load of old Projex400 RPG code from RPG3 upto RPG4 and using all the modern BIF’s. It’s a fun thing to do in the evening while I’m hiding in an hotel room in rainy Ohio.

But I digress… Inevitably my first compile will fail, and I normally want to jump to the ‘C’ specs to have a look at what I’ve got wrong… with SEU this normally involves repeatedly pressing the page-down key until my finger tip gets numb.

But wait, I stumbled across a neat little code snippet that saves time and looks good in the code as well.

Use the /title command in the source code to add a comment to your spool file listing

RPG Code Hints and Tips – using slash Title Mainline 1

This was used a lot in the old days of programming along with the /page and /eject codes.

I have started using the ‘/title mainline’ as the first line of ‘c’ specs in RPG4/Column-Based, or just before the /FREE in RPG4/FreeFormat.


Because when you are quickly compiling and looking at the spool file it makes jumping to the first line of the mainline calculations a doddle. Just search for ‘mainline’ while viewing your spool file of the (failed 😉 ) compile and *voila*

Handy_timesaving_tip = number_493
*inlr = *on;

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