We’ve previously spoken about how to use /COPY and /INCLUDE in our RPGLE programs. We also covered how to use the INCLUDE command in our CLLE programs more Join me while I walk through using a real-world example in Visual Studio Code for IBM i more

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In a world where build automation is a mystical art, one brave warrior dares to conquer the realm of “RULES.mk” config files with Visual Studio Code and IBM i. Join us on this thrilling adventure! Step 1: Prepare for Battle (Install the Necessary Extensions) Gather your trusty steed (Visual Studio Code) and equip it with

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Visual Studio Code (VS Code) for IBM i can be easily used to create modules, bind RPGs, and ILE programs. It’s not hard to move from SEU to this IDE and it brings numerous advantages. Here are some of the primary benefits: Now, we know all that right? Come with me, while I play with

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I was recording a VSCODE for IBM i video this morning, talking about the different ways of storing our RPGLE code as a bound RPGLE program, or as separate modules which are then bound into a program with the CRTPGM command. So, I accidentally wrote this description of OPM vs ILE and realized that it

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PDM (Programming development manager) is installed as a part of the Applications Development ToolSet (ADT) on most IBM i systems today. PDM is an environment that lets programmers and/or operators easily navigate and work with objects in libraries (aka schemas) anywhere on their IBM i Power Systems. PDM enables users to utilize shortcuts for executing repetitive tasks. Frmo

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If you have read any of my previous blogs about IBM i Programming, the chances are, you know I’m becoming a bit of a VS-Code fanboy… or maybe Fanman… well… probably fangeezer is most accurate. Over the last couple of months, we’ve seen some really neat updates to the Code for IBM i and other

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Green Screen Signon in a Webpage IBM i Access for Web revolutionizes your Boss’s view of your IBM i systems, offering a stretchy, secure, and user-friendly web gateway to those oh-so-important resources. Want to give your IBM i a fresh coat of modern? This tool just might be your ticket to the future! I know

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Mastering Git on the IBM i: It’s not as hard as you might think! As an IBM i developer, you’re likely familiar with the traditional source control tools available on the platform, such as PDM, SEU and Third party tools like TURNOVER, ALDON, etc. While these tools have served the IBM i community well, the

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Interviews are a worrying time for most people, right? Not for me! I really enjoy them. But, with 30+ years of experience under my belt, I have a very comfortable time talking about all aspects of the wonderful IBM POWER SYSTEM and the IBM i OPERATING SYSTEM. I know maybe half of the operating system

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Why should I learn about webservers on the IBM i System? Do you ever lay in bed asking yourself that question? I used to. But, now I know how to create various types of webservers, so instead I lay in bed asking myself more annoying questions like “Why is my webservice not able to read

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IBM i Housekeeping 101 – Deleting old Journal Receivers Following on from the blog I wrote about “What is an IBM i Journal?“ We know that IBM i journals record what happens to files, and we know that this record is kept in these things called journal receivers. What is a Journal Receiver? An IBMi

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IBM i Journals are the Sherlock Holmes of data storage. IBM i Journal keeps a log of events, just like your Diary. Imagine writing down every single thing that happened to you during the day. This is what a journal does for any file on the system. Me – trying to explain what a journal

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