We’ve previously spoken about how to use /COPY and /INCLUDE in our RPGLE programs. We also covered how to use the INCLUDE command in our CLLE programs more Join me while I walk through using a real-world example in Visual Studio Code for IBM i more

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In a world where build automation is a mystical art, one brave warrior dares to conquer the realm of “RULES.mk” config files with Visual Studio Code and IBM i. Join us on this thrilling adventure! Step 1: Prepare for Battle (Install the Necessary Extensions) Gather your trusty steed (Visual Studio Code) and equip it with

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I was recording a VSCODE for IBM i video this morning, talking about the different ways of storing our RPGLE code as a bound RPGLE program, or as separate modules which are then bound into a program with the CRTPGM command. So, I accidentally wrote this description of OPM vs ILE and realized that it

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If you have read any of my previous blogs about IBM i Programming, the chances are, you know I’m becoming a bit of a VS-Code fanboy… or maybe Fanman… well… probably fangeezer is most accurate. Over the last couple of months, we’ve seen some really neat updates to the Code for IBM i and other

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Mastering Git on the IBM i: It’s not as hard as you might think! As an IBM i developer, you’re likely familiar with the traditional source control tools available on the platform, such as PDM, SEU and Third party tools like TURNOVER, ALDON, etc. While these tools have served the IBM i community well, the

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IBM i Housekeeping 101 – Deleting old Journal Receivers Following on from the blog I wrote about “What is an IBM i Journal?“ We know that IBM i journals record what happens to files, and we know that this record is kept in these things called journal receivers. What is a Journal Receiver? An IBMi

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Come with me while I go on a journey of discovery setting sail from the land of Legacy AS400 coding techniques, sailing over the horizon in search of the future of IBM i Coding Techniques. The mission is to migrate away from green screen, also known as command line interface, and leave the old trusty

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A while ago, I got this terrific email from a subscriber. I will call him “Nuno”. Not because that’s a pseudonym, but because that’s his name. Hi Nuno! So, lightly paraphrased this is what Nuno said to me: It warms my heart to get emails like this 🙂 I’ve been writing blogs on here for

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In our clan of gray haired AS400 and iSERIES programmers, we all have roots in the good old RPG LOGIC CYCLE. We have one foot in the old world of huge programs with tens of thousands of lines written in a very start-middle-end style, often with many subroutines. The other foot is in the modern

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What is an IBM i PATH? In PASE (Portable Application Solutions Environment), $PATH is an environment variable that stores a list of directories where the system searches for executable files, such as commands and programs. The PATH is like a *LIBL for open source. Just like library lists, the PATH setting only exists during our

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To use a 5250 green screen terminal in Visual Studio Code (VS Code) for IBM i, follow these steps: By having both your code and 5250 terminals within the same IDE, you’ll find it more efficient for RPG and open-source development.

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BOB – is a tool to compile and recompile objects in the IBM i (AS400 iSeries) universe. Better Object Builder (BOB) is a free and open-source build system designed for the IBM i platform. It’s used to create native QSYS objects. Initially developed by S4i Systems, a leader in Electronic Document Management, BOB was originally created to build their own software

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