is probably the best RPG programming related forum around (Bob Cozzi’s comes in a close second but the UI is just awful and I really cant spend to long trying to navigate around without getting annoyed… but I digress…). I frequently read neat little tricks and this is a smart one I saw a while back. Was just thinking about it and decided its worth a blog… why not – it’s a quiet news day? JamieF (the Site admin) posted this:
Controlling DSPF color
A*%%TS SD 20090803 105249 FLANARY REL-V5R4M0 5722-WDS A*%%EC A DSPSIZ(24 80 *DS3) A R DUMMY A ASSUME A 1 3' ' A************************************************************************** A R WINDOW1 A*%%TS SD 20090803 105249 FLANARY REL-V5R4M0 5722-WDS A CF03(03) A CF06(06) A WINDOW(12 11 4 50 *NOMSGLIN) A WDWBORDER((*COLOR BLU) (*DSPATR RI)- A (*CHAR ' ')) A ATR_DACONM 1A P A MYFIELD 20A O 1 16DSPATR(&ATR_DACONM) A 3 2'F3=Exit' A COLOR(BLU) A 3 11'F6=Change Color' A COLOR(BLU)
and the associated RPG code for this would be:
f@CST25AD cf e WORKSTN d EndScreen1 s 1 inz('N') d count s 1 0 d Normal c X'20' d Red c X'28' d White c X'22' d Blue c X'3A' d Pink c X'38' /Free //-------------------------------------------------------- // MAIN PROGRAM //-------------------------------------------------------- myfield= 'some text'; dow endscreen1 = 'N'; exfmt window1; select; when *in03; endscreen1 = 'Y'; when *in06; count +=1; if count = 6; count = 1; endif; select; when count = 1; atr_daconm = normal; when count = 2; atr_daconm = red; when count = 3; atr_daconm = white; when count = 4; atr_daconm = blue; when count = 5; atr_daconm = pink; endsl; endsl; enddo; *inlr = *on; /end-free
It just goes to show that theres lots of ways to skin a cat… I love this one!