Welcome to the SEO minefield

You know, I write about many aspects of website technology, how to build and use SEO, how to make money online and how to sell your own technology services., Since most of my posts are geared to the beginner level person who wants to learn more about SEO and/or handle the optimization of their site themselves, I rarely go into detail. I really enjoy helping to educate and give proven ethical tips and techniques to achieve higher rankings. I’m considering to create an “introduction to SEO” training course… while I’m thinking about this, let’s waffle a bit about Search Engine Optimization.
So, even though advertising has changed a lot of the years the basic principles remain the same.
I originally wrote this article title as SEO IS A BATTLEFIELD but it put that song by Pat Benetar in my brain for a solid 30 minutes so I had to change it 😉
There are so many way s of promoting your website and all the ingredients need to be in the mix if the cake is going to rise. I frequently talk about Search Engine Optimization and Marketing but this little blog will be firmly aimed at the beginner. If you want to learn the basics of SEO/SEM then you should start with Google’s most excellent ‘Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide’
Google really are the big boys of Search engine’ness so I try to adhere to their standards wherever applicable.
If google disapproves of something you are doing on your website you can bet your bottom dollar you will be losing ranking points, losing website visitors and customers. We really don’t want to do anything that will offend Big ‘G’ and potentially red flag our site.
Sometimes, being red-flagged can be as simple as using the wrong SEO program.
The guys at Google don’t like auto-submission programs so make sure you question the SEO techniques when you are selecting somebody to promote your site. I say somebody because I believe it’s better to have the right person controlling SEO; he/she will be a specialist in the arena and will probably use their own software of choice. This process evolves and grows all the time. Keep that red flag in the cupboard 😉
When you are selecting your SEO ask the right questions. Don’t accept answers on face value. Only hire them if you feel they are completely on your side and can clearly and concisely communicate all aspects of your website.
What’s good, what’s bad and what’s happening to website traffic on a daily basis.
As a freelance IT chap I like to think my professional Web Development, Search Engine Optimization and Marketing services are very reasonable and I guarantee that I will give you an exceptional SEO service.
I’m so confident that my SEO work will generate results that if I don’t generate more traffic for you then I simply won’t bill you. How about that?
It’s free to talk so if you are looking for website, seo or hosting advice simply leave me a ticket and I will get back to you ASAP.