Developerworks Connections Sunset – How to Extend RDi

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December 19, 2019

Developerworks Connections Sunset – How to Extend RDi

By NickLitten

December 19, 2019

IBM i, programming, RDi, RPGLE

Developerworks Connections is dead

As I was waffling this morning about the sad demise of IBM Developerworks Connections Wiki – here is another excellent article that discusses various extensions to IBM Rational Developer for IBM i – How to Extend RDi (#RDi)


So here it is, re-posted before IBM can hide this wonderful source of old information:

Write your own extensions to Extend RDi

If you wish to extend RDi yourself you can find some useful links below.


How to extend Lpex written for WDSc but applies to RDi.

How to extend Lpex – although written for RDz it applies to RDi as wRe share the LPEX editor.

How to write your own plugin extending RDi based on RDi 9.6.


For Rational Developer for i API information, visit:

For Eclipse RSE information (which Rational Developer for i itself extends),  visit the RSE Developer Guide at:

For accessing EVENTF information in order to integrate custom build tooling.

How to access search results from an EVENTF

How to access errors from an EVENTF

To extend LPEX, (In Lpex, hit Esc to get to the command line and then type in ? and hit Enter)

To access Code Coverage data see Code Coverage page.

Install Complementary Products from IBM

If you are developer for another platform such as Z or AIX or Linux, there are complementary products that will integrate with RDi.  A complete list can be found here after click on the link under Shell Sharing.

One free offering from IBM that well benefit any SQL developers is the IBM Data Studio.  Click here for more info on how to install and use this.

Use someone else’s extensions

Below is a table where any product or plugin that extends RDi can make themselves known.

Jon Paris has written an article on this subject.

iSphereSpooled File Subsystem,Message File Editor,Binding Directory Editor,LPEX Task Tags, …Task Force IT-Consulting GmbH,Thomas Raddatz and othersOpen Source
TN5250JIDE embedded 5250 EmulatorTask Force IT-Consulting GmbH,Kenneth J. Pouncey and othersOpen Source
iSVNIBM i Version Control with SubversionTask Force IT-Consulting GmbHOpen Source
PTC ImplementerApplication Lifecycle Management system for IBM iPTCCommercial
RSE ExtensionsSpooled file output; view and respond to IBM i messages; graphical source compare and merge editors for IBM i code; edit data areas; display data queuesSoftLanding Systems – a Division of UNICOM GlobalOpen Source
TURNOVERChange Management, Project Management, Issue TrackingSoftLanding Systems – a Division of UNICOM GlobalCommercial
RPGUnitRPGUnit tests from within RDi. This plug-in uses a fork of the RPGUnit framework.Thomas RaddatzOpen Source
Surveyor/400Surveyor/400 has a plugin for IBM RDi that allows you to quickly query and edit database files, download and upload data, run SQL, convert DDS to DDL and many more database tools. HelpSystemsCommercial
RPG ToolboxNeed to convert legacy RPG to free form? The RPG Toolbox from Linoma Software has a plugin for RDi that allows converting RPG fixed-form to the latest totally free form syntax. It also allows indenting nested logic in free form RPG. The RPG Toolbox can additionally clean out unused code in your RPG source including unused work fields, unused subroutines, KLISTS, etc. to make your source easier to maintain and quicker to compile and execute.HelpSystemsCommerical
SmartPad4i for RDiUse RPG or COBOL to Develop Web & Mobile Applications Directly Within the Rational Developer for i (RDi) EnvironmentSystemObjectsCommercial
Pathfinder / HawkeyePlugin for the Hawkeye Cross Reference tool for IBM iPathfinder / HawkeyeCommercial
ABSTRACTDeveloper Productivity tool for the IBM i. Simplify IBM i application development with powerful cross-referencing tools. Abstract works with the IBM (RDi) to build a where-used cross reference of system objects and procedures that allows you to track object and field usage, as well as perform file analysis and other reference tasks.HelpSystemsCommercial
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