Over at DRUMS THE WORD a new kid is on the block; the new kid is the old kid, but with a new coat on
The King is dead – long live the King!

Rob Litten and I have been working together over the last six months, between him in Hampshire (England) and me in Nevada (America)… we’ve taken his seven year old Drupal website and been through a full Drupal upgrade, but after lots of review and ecommerce tests Rob decided it just wasn’t for him. His artistic flair took my logical programmer brain and gave it a well deserved right hook…. So, other CMS were reviewed and finally the winner was WordPress and Woocomerce.
The final result is pretty damn slick and I’m super proud of the website collaboration that Rob and I have created. Many bottles of wine have been consumed, many Skype conversations have (literally) spent all day in design, testing and website revamps to come up with a rather cool new website.
Drums the Word V2.0 is born
We went live this weekend and will be quietly evolving and tweaking over coming days…
Selling digital products like before but also offering a subscription based membership the website and Robs ” brainchild” will go from strenght to strenght,
if you want to learn drumming there is only one place to try out…