Find large Objects on my IBM i System – PRTDSKINF Print Disk Information

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December 27, 2022

Find large Objects on my IBM i System – PRTDSKINF Print Disk Information

By NickLitten

December 27, 2022

Large Objects, PRTDSKINF

Want to find LARGE Objects on your IBM i System?

First we need to collec the information about the fat objects on our machine — The Retrieve Disk Information (RTVDSKINF) command is used to collect disk space information.

Then we can print this information and/or query it — Disk space information can then be printed using the Print Disk Information (PRTDSKINF) command.

  • The collected information is stored in a database file in library QUSRSYS.
  • The file name depends on the auxiliary storage pool (ASP) device for which disk space information is retrieved.
  • The information will be stored in a data base file member named QCURRENT.

If the information was retrieved from the system and basic ASPs, the collected information will be stored in file QAEZDISK. If the information was retrieved from an independent ASP device, the collected information will be stored in file QAEZnnnnn, where ‘nnnnn’ is the ASP number of the independent ASP.

The old days of floppy disks are long gone…

Each time this command is run, existing information in QCURRENT is written over. To save existing information in member QCURRENT, rename file QAEZDISK or QAEZDnnnnn, or copy the member to another file.

To get the most accurate and complete results, avoid running this command when the system is very busy. Collecting disk information can take longer when the system is busy and can slow the performance of other applications that are running.

Once you have run this command – let’s look at the results.

IBM’s Print Disk Information (PRTDSKINF) command tells you all the good stuff.

The Print Disk Information (PRTDSKINF) command is used to print disk space information that was stored in database file QAEZDISK or QAEZDnnnnn by the Retrieve Disk Information (RTVDSKINF) command, where ‘nnnnn’ is the ASP number of the independent ASP for which disk space information was retrieved. The output with file name QPEZDISK goes to the spool queue associated with the job using this command.

For example, we can use to to print disk information for all objects and the report will be huge.

If we add a minimum size parameter, then we reduce the detailed information is shows — like this:


This command can take quite a long time, so I suggest submitting this to batch:


When its finished you will see a report something like this:

                                                     System Information                                               
Information collected . . . . . . . . . : 06/27/22 22:00:00 Customize options specified for this report:
Report type . . . . . . . . . . . . . : *OBJ
Total disk space on system in 1,000,000 Asp device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : *SYSBAS
bytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 976988 Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : *ALL
Main storage size in megabytes . . . . . : 31488 Object types:
Machine type-model . . . . . . . . . . . : your-machine-type
System serial number . . . . . . . . . . : your-serial
Size of smallest object . . . . . . . : 1000
Sort by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : *SIZE
% of Size in
Description Disk 1,000,000 bytes
User libraries 56.55 552504.64
User directories 14.94 145945.29
Folders and documents .29 2822.66
QSYS .48 4723.55
Other IBM libraries                             2.13           20846.50                  
Licensed Internal Code                          2.37           23114.10                  
Temporary space                                 9.50           92837.70                  
Unused space                                   13.12          128225.68                  
System internal objects                          .41            4036.47                  
Objects not in a library                         .00                .27                  
TOTAL                                          99.79          975056.86                  

                                                       System Information*               
                                                          % of         Size in           
Description                                               Disk     1,000,000 bytes       
i5/OS items reported:                                                                    
  History files                                            .02             155.34        
  Journal receivers                                        .07             685.80        
  User profiles                                            .06             558.94        
  Configuration information                                .00              16.47        
  System help (QHLPSYS)                                    .00              45.17        
  Calendars                                                .00               2.28        
  System directories                                       .00               3.93  
  Document files                                           .00               3.75  
OfficeVision items reported:                                                       
  Enrollment                                               .00                .00  
  Mail files                                               .00                .39  
  Text search                                              .00                .00  
  Personal directories                                     .00                .58  
Licensed Internal Code:                                                            
  LIC and tables                                           .62            6039.56  
  Dump space                                              1.72           16842.43  
  Error logs                                               .00              34.71  
  Trace tables                                             .00                .00  
  VLIC logs                                                .02             188.75  
  VLIC control blocks                                      .00               8.65  
Space used by system internal objects:                                           
  Additional configuration information                     .00                .12
  Communications                                           .00               7.08
  Data base                                                .01              72.16
  Manage jobs                                              .25            2467.54
  Monitor performance                                      .00                .00
  Folders                                                  .00                .16
  Mail                                                     .00                .00
  i5/OS                                                    .01             106.26
  S/36 Environment                                         .00                .11
  Security                                                 .00               4.31
  SNADS and object distribution                            .00                .54
  Spool                                                    .02             225.90
  Cross component                                          .01              88.55
  Product installation                                     .00                .12
  Recovery of information                                  .00               3.50
  Obsolete                                                 .00               2.24 
  Internal system journals                                 .11            1057.88 
Miscellaneous items reported:                                                     
  Printer output & Spooling (QSPL)                         .12            1186.19 
  Replaced object library (QRPLOBJ)                        .04             372.62 
  Storage affected by RCLSTG                               .00                .22 
  Reclaim storage library (QRCL)                           .00                .14 

The next page is progrably the most interesting, because it shows all the largest system objects from FAT ONES down to thin ones:

Object Library Type Owner Disk 1000 bytes Change Use Description
WFP50 AULWFF3HW1 *FILE AULOWNER 6.21 60658475.0 06/27/22 06/27/22 Manual Activity Instance data
WFP52 AULWFF3HW1 *FILE AULOWNER 3.08 30048280.6 06/27/22 06/27/22 Workflow transactions
WFP51 AULWFF3HW1 *FILE AULOWNER 2.01 19679776.8 06/27/22 06/27/22 Workflow trigger
SMDTABUF NSSME64 *FILE NSOWNER 1.96 19159982.1 06/27/22 06/27/22 NSM Virtual Terminal Data Buffer
YOP31         AULYOF1     *FILE     AULOWNER       1.08       10574262.3  06/27/22  06/27/22  Publish Event Log                   
WFP53         AULWFF3HW1  *FILE     AULOWNER       1.06       10334896.1  06/27/22  06/27/22  Workflow Transaction Completion Det 
FIP45         AULT1F2     *FILE     AULOWNER        .93        9043095.6  06/24/22  06/27/22  AFI Postings                        
COR_O00001    AULYOF1     *FILE     YOHW1DBUSR      .84        8197423.1  07/15/18  06/26/22                                      
INP95         AULT2F2     *FILE     AULOWNER        .81        7919235.1  06/27/22  06/27/22  Stock Movements Detail File         
CSP59         AULT1F2     *FILE     AULOWNER        .73        7166033.9  07/26/21  06/26/22  Suspended Bank Reconciliation       
SFFP250       NSSFFL1     *FILE     NUTECH          .72        6996480.0  06/27/22  06/27/22  SF Hist  File - Stock Transfer      
MRP71E        AULT3F2     *FILE     AULOWNER        .70        6864044.0  06/27/22  06/27/22  MPS/MRP Item Workfile Extension     
OEP55A        AULT2F2     *FILE     AULOWNER        .70        6862151.7  06/27/22  06/27/22  Order Lines Audit File              
LIMFILT       MICROADMIN  *FILE     MICROADMIN      .64        6243467.3  06/27/22  06/27/22  Lims Filtration                     
INP96         AULT2F2     *FILE     AULOWNER        .60        5888962.6  06/27/22  06/27/22  Stock Daily Movements Detail File   
WFP95         AULWFF3HW1  *FILE     AULOWNER        .56        5452746.8  06/27/22  06/27/22  EWM Trace / Error Reporting         
SBUFF         NSSME64     *FILE     NSOWNER         .54        5315403.8  06/27/22  06/27/22  NSM Monitor Display                 
YOP32         AULYOF1     *FILE     AULOWNER        .46        4446212.1  06/27/22  06/27/22  Publish Event Log Audit             
PCP62         AULT3F2     *FILE     AULOWNER        .42        4144218.1  06/27/22  06/27/22  Inventory / Work In Progress Moveme 
OEP40A        AULT2F2     *FILE     AULOWNER        .38        3674431.5  06/27/22  06/27/22  Order Header Audit                  
LIMLOT        MICROADMIN  *FILE     MICROADMIN      .36        3565502.5  06/27/22  06/27/22  Lims Lot Tests                      
PCP97         TSTT3F2     *FILE     AULOWNER        .36        3540172.8  06/15/22  06/15/22  Firm Work Station Schedule          
PCP62         TSTT3F2     *FILE     AULOWNER        .35        3389235.2  04/14/22  05/12/22  Inventory / Work In Progress Moveme 
... and so on and so on
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