Flashback to the 90’s when shooting monsters was cool

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April 19, 2009

Flashback to the 90’s when shooting monsters was cool

By NickLitten

April 19, 2009

doom, games

When I was younger I swore it would never happen to me… but it has… Policemen are looking younger, kids have no respect for their elders, pubs play music too loud, I wake up early on the weekends, I find myself choosing shoes based on comfort rather than style and I am turning into my Dad.


Wait though, in an effort to reclaim my lost youth, I stumbled across this excellent web-based version of the classic 90’s game DOOM. This DOS shoot em up that started the whole Quake, Halo genre can be played online in a neat Flash format game at http://www.onemorelevel.com/game/doom In all its VGA beauty:

Flashback to the 90's when shooting monsters was cool 1

Ahhh, the joys of all those lost lunch hours in the office, running around a blocky-graphiced maze shooting monsters and looking for the BFG. In the days when I remember extolling this game as the absolute leading edge graphics for my wonderful little laptop… A months wages for a black and white 9inch DSTN screen, a 386-25Mhz processor with a whopping 4mb of ram. Great fun…

Now if I could only find Castle Wolfenstein 😉

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