Google Voice
Google have a new service coming out soon called Google Voice – its in Beta the moment.
I applied for it a month back and just got an email from them last night – basically Google Voice lets you choose a free telephone number which can be diverted to any number you own. It’s a kind of telephone number for life.
Of course, you can setup forwarding people to voicemail, which you can then log on and see on the web, or you can just click a button on the website and call any USA number for free (a small charge for International) you can even download it to your mobile – so you get free calls to anyone in the USA, landlines and cells, for $0.
I love the fact that you get to choose your own personalised number.
I’ve got one abd it’s pretty neat – 872.222.6001
Why the question marks you may ask? OK, so I’m an internet geek and post an awful lot of my personal life online but I still dont want fellow geeks from all around the world calling my cellphone at random times during the night just to say things like “cool, that number does work then”. So, just take my word for it. ok? 😉
You could setup a number from any US State, or any name – cool huh?
Once you’ve received your invite (I had to wait about a month) you can then install the blackberry application and on your Berry. The Mobile device gadget is here
This in turn means that you can make completely free phone calls anywhere in the continental USA. All you need to pay you mobile provider is the monthyl fee for a tethered internet connection. Never pay for a phone bill again. Amazing huh!
So apply here
The thing that I love about this is the visual voicemail – it lets me check my voicemails from my phone, or just by logging onto the website and seeing/playing and even replying to voicemails direct from my PC.
No – dont ignore that link… click on it and and you get to choose your own phone number that you can then setup to forward to anything you like. What are you waiting for? “