How to change Remitplus Server in Client Config

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September 25, 2011

How to change Remitplus Server in Client Config

By NickLitten

September 25, 2011


I’ve spent this week implementing a Cheque (yes — that is the correct and very English way of spelling ‘check’) scanning solution for a client.

The basic idea is — company receives lots of money payments by cheque, these are scanned, sorted and deposited direct into the companies bank account and the deposit information is then automatically uploaded to their back office accounting system (in this case an in house RPG IBM i application). It’s been a fun project with some neat automated features which are now working nicely in production. *phew*

The clever scanning and talking to the bank bit is handled by a cheque scanner and some rather nifty software to control it, called RemitPlus by Profitstars:

RemitPlus® Remittance/LockboxTM

Electronic check, remittance, and lockbox processing solution.

The RemitPlus in-house software provides intuitive remittance and lockbox processing ranging from a single user scanning one check a day, to large lockboxes processing over 350,000 items a day. RemitPlus currently supports well over 80 billing systems (including commercial and custom platforms) and employs a powerful Project Builder engine capable of handling simple to complex ASCII billing system interface file formats. RemitPlus also supports electronic deposits to ProfitStars EPS as well as deliverable Check 21 and ACH files to national and community banks alike.

I had a few head scratching moments during the GOLIVE implementation… questions that I couldnt find answers to in any manuals. So, its time to document them here:

How do control which REMITPLUS Server the Client is looking at?

The Remit+ Client is installed on each client computer that wants to scan cheques or just view the cheque batch information. The server that the client talks to is defined in each client computers config folder C:\Program Files (x86)\RemitPlus Software\Client

The file is RemitPlusClient.exe.config

Edit this file using an simple text editor:

Change the value of <add key=”serverName” value=”SERVERNAME” /> to point at the server in question.

That’s a quickie to change and makes the switch from TST to PROD very simple… but took me forever to find it 🙂

{"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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