How can I increase the File Size Limit in WordPress Media?
I’ve asked myself this question way too often. I run websites on several different webhosts and frequently run into the issue uploading files to a WordPress site “exceeds the maximum upload size for this site” error. Drives me Bonkers.
Simple Solution – Increase limit with .user.ini
I read this simple technique today and it works. It’s simple to install. My brain is simple. Me Likey Mucho.
Me. My Simple Fingers Typed It.
Create a file called .user.ini in your root folder of your server (ie: the same place you have your .htaccess) and add these lines to it:
upload_max_filesize = 256M post_max_size = 256M memory_limit = 256M
Set your own file sizes but these work for me, pretty much across the board.
Problem solved with no tweaks required. Thankyou Internet.