I just got back from a week at the iSeries DEVCON in Las Vegas

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October 30, 2009

I just got back from a week at the iSeries DEVCON in Las Vegas

By NickLitten

October 30, 2009

devcon, iseries, LasVegas, rio

It’s Vegas Baby and I’ve never seen so many grey haired developers in one hotel 😉

On a serious note – Some terrific speakers and I was impressed by the general knowledge of all the presenters. I can honestly say I never got bored for one moment and good presentation style kept my attention for all 4 days. Joe Pluta in particular is an amusing guy with some strong opinions, and very funny to listen to.

It’s nice to listen to i-people who are as obviously enthusiastic about the i as i am… see what I did there?

I’ve been predominantly working on IBMi for just over a year now (after a 4 year hiatus playing with other stuff – but thats a whole other story) and am amazed by the generally apathetic nature of many developers in the i-community: The ones that still call it an AS400 and write in RPG3… dont get me started…

iSeries DEVCON in Las VegasAfter iSeries DevCon – my brain is awash with new RPG, PHP and ZEND-alicious ideas…

Track wise, I focused on RPG, PHP and Web-Server based stuff purely because it was a combination of the things the was interested in and also sharpening the blunter tools in my toolbox.

Notable speakers: Jon Paris – great presenter who had an answer for every question I threw at him. He really kicked PHP into focus for me… So much so, This weekend I scrapped a website and am currently re-tooling with PHP…

Susan Gantner – gave a brilliant polish to my RPG and SQL coding styles. opening my eyes to some new techniques and made me slap myself for doing a few things in a lazy way.

Joe Pluta – was great on his discussions covering Java and IDE’s like Eclipse and RDi. Being a green screen dinosaur this has really galvanized me into action.

Other speakers were great but these 3 stick in my mind… no offense to any others.. grovel grovel

Staying at the RIO with it’s in-casino curry house, scantily clad waitresses and winning a few on the last night didnt hurt either

double-thumbs-up and a virtual glass-of-wine for all involved.

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