#IBMi Software Release Management

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March 27, 2012

#IBMi Software Release Management

By NickLitten

March 27, 2012




RFC (Request for Change) A high-level change request that captures the detail of a change that is to be made to a new or existing application. RFCs are usually decomposed down to lower level work requests or tasks for software development.
CAB (Change Advisory Board) The collection of stakeholders who review all RFCs at specific intervals to assess whether they should be implemented, assign priorities and allocated them to a Release.
Release A stable, executable version of a product intended for deployment to testing and production.
Release Package A logical container that defines the set of RFCs and Deployment Units (sometimes called Release Units) that are to be included in a Release. It also includes metadata such as the type of release (see Release Type) and its planned dates (see Release Calendar).
Release Type The type of release that is to be implemented, i.e. Major, Minor, Emergency. Each Release Type will usually have a different workflow.
Release Policy An organisations published policy that determines under which circumstances different Release Types should be used as well as the standard set of milestones that selecting a particular Release Type implies in the Release Calendar.
Release Calendar A set of published milestones that details when Releases are planned to transition through the different development, test and production phases.
Baseline A snapshot of the exact versions of Configuration Items, including executables, libraries, configuration files and documentation that are to be deployed.
Build An operational version of a product or part of a product. Not all builds are released but builds are typically carried to transform inputs (source code) into executed and installable Deployment Units.
Deployment Unit A physical, self-contained, installable release of an application.
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