Is the new beta of Windows live Mail, Calendar and Messenger the best Outlook alternative yet?

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November 7, 2008

Is the new beta of Windows live Mail, Calendar and Messenger the best Outlook alternative yet?

By NickLitten

November 7, 2008

Loving the new Beta release of LIVE MESSENGER and the LIVE EMAIL Client.

Is the new beta of Windows live Mail, Calendar and Messenger the best Outlook alternative yet? 1I’ve been a big fan of Microsoft Messenger since the 90’s and my early experiences of Yahoo messenger, ICQ (whatever happened to that?) and Trillian. More recently I exclusively use SKYPE for my VOIP and occasional chatter to clients and/or other skype community members, but still prefer messenger for keeping in to contact with friends and family.

It’s latest incarnation (Live Messenger) is the best yet and this Beta makes things even cuter.

The huge bonus is the new and improved Live Mail – Wow! It’s getting closer and closer to a free replacement for Microsoft Outlook. It’s not opensource but its free. I just love that word: free!

Please… Please… Let me find something that is an alternative to Outlook. 😉

Dont get me wrong, I think that outlook is a fantastic product. I havent found anything out there which is quite as good – the integrated email, calendar, task and contact handling is excellent. Outlook2007 is my PIM of choice.

Having said that, considering I personally own a couple of desktops, a couple of laptops, the Wifes PC, a Server, a little old Iseries (not that it’s relevant to this article) and a couple of PC’s for the kids – all running everything from Linux to XP to Vista – I havent got Outlook on all of these because of the herrendous $$$$.

Of course I also want to Synch my Blackberry with some, or all of these.

This new Live Mail could be my great saviour.

So – I’ve just installed EMAIL, CALENDAR and CONTACTS and am going to give it some serious bashing over the next weeks. I’ll report back with some experience laters.


The Windows Live package of products represents Microsoft’s attempt to serve and integrate a broad array of dynamic, online services.

These Web 2.0 tools include those for e-mail, mapping, scheduling, instant messaging, managing RSS feeds, bookmarking, and vertical search.

Many of these free products remain in beta testing. This list will continue to evolve as Microsoft updates and adds Windows Live products.

This product belongs to Microsoft’s Windows Live BETA series, which includes a personalized portal and other dynamic, online tools such as e-mail and instant messaging, mapping, and Web search.

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