First thing is to add CUSTOM ATTRIBUTES to WooCommerce orders
Click on PRODUCTS | ATTRIBUTE – add a new attribute (for example “course name”) and then we will add the values for this attribute:
Once you’ve entered an attribute you can add the values for that attribute. In this case, I wanted to add several course names that would relate to the user roles that I want to assign to users when they buy this product.
For example, if someone buys the PMP MASTERCLASS then I want to assign an extra user role of “PMP Masterclass” to their user roles. So i added attributes for all the various classes I wold be assigning to user roles:
Now – when you look at your products you can update them to add the name of the attribute that we will be using to assign a user class
Edit Product
Now you can select the attribute you added:
You can add multiple attributes.
Remember to deselect “Visible on the product page “
And that’s that 🙂