Just did a clean in install of Windows XP Pro followed by an immediate upgrade to Vista… yes I know its a pain…. but I only have an upgrade disc.
After sitting through hours worth of service packs, hotfixes and various other massively packaged Microsoft downloads i eventually got my trusty Ibm Lenovo Thinkpad Z60T to a stage where it’s more or less working… now its on to the next stage… Thinkpad bits.
Mainly I like the fingerprint scanner… it’s great just to power up, swipe and be logged in.
So, this time i downloaded the Lenovo System Updater… straight after installing and just letting it download the updates that IBM recommended I now get a very annoying message when the machine boots.
Error Message:
PWMTR32V.DLL – application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log for more detail.
That sound fine until you look at the even tlog and discover that it just doesnt help at all.
I’m guessing it’s something to do with the Power Manager – purely cause it looks powerish – I’m going to do a fresh Thinkvantage System Update and will report back on the status.