Upgrade Nick Littens written CV to an Infographic Resume

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January 23, 2021

Upgrade Nick Littens written CV to an Infographic Resume

By NickLitten

January 23, 2021

analyt, consultant, IBM i, IT, job, litten, nick, programmer

Taking your Resume from simple text to Infographic

As I mentioned in another blog – I use LinkedIn to edit and maintain my resume. It makes the information editing very simple and clean, and also generates a nice-looking basic resume layout.

Maybe this layout works fine – but have you ever looked at infographic versions of your resume?

What is an infographic Resume?

An infographic Resume (or CV) is a graphical representation of our work experience and skillset. Take a boring old text based resume and make it pretty. 🙂

My favourite is VISUAL CV

VisualCV is everything you need to create an online resume infographic style. With their online resume maker – you can select a template, import an existing resume or craft a new one from scratch within minutes.

For example – I just imported my latest LinkedIn resume and selected various templates and boom I get layouts like this:

Is it time to spruce up your resume?

{"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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