UPDATE 2017 : USE %SCANRPL Built in Function – IBM added a %BIF to do this for us in modern RPGLE so we can now just do a %SCANRPL in native RPG. I’m leaving this old blog here for reference but look HERE for the modern and much easier way of doing this schnizzle
So, You still want to see how to SCAN REPLACE in RPG the old fashioned way?
What’s the easiest way?
Using the %REPLACE built in Function is easy and efficient although code wise its a little cumbersome:
// Update email address Dow %Scan('L#EMAIL': %TRIMR(SrcDta )) > *Zeros; SrcDta = %Replace(%trimr(ParmEmail) :SrcDta :%Scan('L#EMAIL' : %TRIMR(SrcDta )) :7); EndDo;
In this example, I am scanning a program variable (SRCDTA) looking for any occurence of the word “L#EMAIL” and replacing it with the contents of “PARMEMAIL”. The email value is %TRIM’ed which means that any blanks at the end of the email address are ignored.
So, to change this to work for you
- Change the value of L#EMAIL to the value that you want to be replaced
- Change the value of SRCDTA to the field name that you want to scan
- Change the value of PARMEMAIL to the new value that you want to replace every occurrence of “L#EMAIL”
Hope it helps…
If you are using the PROJEX4I Power Tools:
I use a similar process in the PROJEX4i Service Program and then you can easily run a SCAN/REPLACE on a single line of RPG code.
So let’s say I wanted to scan for the word ‘bob’ and change it for the word ‘Fred’ within a string I could do it like this using this Prototype:
myVariable = Scan_Replace ( 'bob' : 'Fred' )
Much simpler than using the complex %REPLACE BIF I’m sure you will agree.
Here’s the code for this sub-procedure:
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Scan_Replace - Scan a string and replace stuff in it | // +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ dcl-proc Scan_Replace export; dcl-pi Scan_Replace varchar(1024); ParmSource varchar(1024) const; OldString varchar(1024) const; NewString varchar(1024) const; end-pi; dcl-s $ScanReplace varchar(1024); dcl-s $Found int(10); dcl-s $Replace int(10); $ScanReplace = ParmSource; $Found = %scan(%trimr(OldString):$ScanReplace); dow $Found > 0; $ScanReplace = %replace(%trimr(NewString):$ScanReplace:$Found:%len(OldString)); $Replace = $Found + %len(NewString); $Found = %scan(%trimr(OldString):$ScanReplace:$Replace); enddo; Return $ScanReplace; end-proc;
Obviously, you will also need the prototype for the call which looks like this:
// +--------------------------------------------------------+ // | Scan_Replace - Scan the string and replace stuff in it | // +--------------------------------------------------------+ dcl-pr Scan_Replace varchar(1024) extproc(*cl:'SCAN_REPLACE'); *n varchar(1024) const; // ParmSource *n varchar(1024) const; // OldString *n varchar(1024) const; // NewString end-pr;