CNX Valence Install – Part 3 – Upgrading Exit Programs (Custom RPGLE)

Part 3 - Upgrading Exit Programs (Custom RPGLE)

In this video, I look at (a) Recompiling RPG exit programs that use the NABBUTON definition in the Valence copybooks and (b) get far too excited about my new Steel Mug for Tea, Coffee (and shhh it's also excellent for gin and tonic by the pool) but also try to explain how user-defined options work in IBM i PDM:

The Start PDM (STRPDM) command calls the Programming Development Manager (PDM) utility. A menu is displayed where you choose options to work with libraries, objects, members, and user-defined options.

Are you man enough for a Man Mug?

Nick Litten steel mug of tea

Buy this MUG on Amazon. You will not regret it. Keeps your tea and coffee hot. Keeps your pool side beverages cold. It's splendid. DO IT

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