Life as a Digital Nomad
If you are one of the three people that actually reads my blog you might have asked yourself “Why has that muttering English bloke been so quiet on his technical blog for the last couple of months?“
The answer is “Because I’ve been busy moving house!“
Not just any old house move either — In October I lived in Las Vegas, USA. In December, I’m just waking up living in Montepego, Spain. Half way around the planet, speaking a different language (which I don’t currently speak) and with a very different climate.

I am expecting some adventures in the coming months!
But for now, it’s time for a couple of living in Spain videos. Not technical. Just random life-blurb while exploring this beautiful part of the world.
I live in Spain now
Still hasn’t quite sunk into my brain as a truth.
It’s wintertime here in Spain, here we are setting off looking for somewhere to stop for a Mediterranean lunch. Step 1 is drop the trash off at the communal dump.
After cruising around in the Spanish rain, which did NOT fall mainly on the plain, we stumbled onto this lovely little restaurant.
Restaurant Gastrotaberna El Temple
Food was exceptional, beautifully prepared, lovingly served and happily consumed. We will be back. If you are in the area simply search your maps for “Restaurant Gastrotaberna El Temple, Benidoleig, Alicante, Spain”
For now that’s it – but once all the house stuff finds it’s way across the Atlantic and we can properly unpack – then the technical videos will resume…
You are certainly the adventurous sort of person, moving from UK to US, and now to Spain. Most Americans would not consider moving halfway around the world. I enjoy your blog, both technical and personal. Keep it up.
Thankyou Dale – life is an adventure for all of us. 🙂
Good luck Nick. Was wondering what happened. Glad to here it was not health related.
Muito bom!
Best wishes Nick, it looks like a nice place to be.
I woke up this morning… stumbled into the Kitchen wearing nothing but undies, made a coffee, staggered outside in my Undies (after looking to make sure the neighbours would be blinded by this mass of English white flesh) and watched the world come awake over the Mediteranean. Beats life in Aldershot for sure 😉
Ah, took me a while (FB) for the penny to drop Nick, have fun and we just may be could catch up some time soon’ish. Good luck with the adventures ol chap, always great to see what you’re up to.
AJ (Zippy)