Hide WordPress TITLE area in Thrive themes using CSS
*phew* That’s a sentence and a half.
Sadly, if you are nerdy, geeky, keyboard inclined and in touch with your web-design genes then that will make sense.
You’re probably only reading this because you specifically googled something like “hide wordpress title using css” so that makes you just as much as a propeller head as me. #nuffsaid
Anyhoo, I was working on Uncle Dave’s Projex Academy website – powered by WordPress and using the excellent THRIVE themes. In this case using the rather beautiful theme called SQUARED. But, the BIG RED TITLE box was just annoying the socks off me. I could not find a way to suppress this title area using the standard theme settings so had to dingle around with CSS until I found a solution.
It used to look like this:
That title area saying “SHOP” is a big distraction since I just want to display the product list itself.
So, after some playing around I found the CSS descriptor and added a line of CSS to the theme over-ride.
Just add this:
div.hru.tcbk {display:none}
Now it looks cleaner and simpler:
Easy to add this – just click on APPEARANCE and THEME CSS. Theme instructions here
Oh thank you SOO much for this. It was just what I was looking for!
Thanks alot. I was looking for this everywhere 🙂