Now that’s a mouthful!
So, I’ve been asked to install the latest July 2019 version of Lansa Axes (v4.2.0) for a client. Axes is a web application, running on your IBM i Server, which will replace old traditional green-screen 5250 terminal screens like this:

to this:

Remove any previous versions of LANSA AXES
GO LICPGM and option 10 to view your licensed programs. This install had an error from a failed previous upgrade (hence asking me to help) so I decided to do a clean install:

We need to delete the old server:

Check that libraries AXES, AXESJSM, JSMINSTALL are empty. If not, delete all objects inside.
Check IFS folder /axes and /axesjsm – if they are there, delete them.
Check DSPSFWRSC and make sure there are no licensed programs for 1AXES01 installed.
Now lets do a full fresh install of Axes 4.2
How to install Lansa Axes 4.2
Assuming you have already downloaded the install *SAVF and used FTP to upload it to SAVF(QGPL/AXINSPKG)
Check the system values
System Value | Required Value |
QUTCOFFSET | Must be set to something |
QAUTOVRT | A large number or *NOMAX |
Run the install

After a few seconds you will see the install confirmation screen:

Press F8 to install and read the LICENSE screen and press ENTER, this will then show you the CONFIRMATION screen:

Now sit and wait.. the install took over 5 minutes on this slow old IBM i Server (running IBM i V7R1). While its running you will be looking at a delightfully blank screen with a very dull status message on the bottom row:

The install took several minutes for me, but your mileage may vary.
Once it’s installed – its now time to start the AXES Web Server using command:
Check all the settings and start the server:

Phew this blog is getting waay too long.
I might create a new one going through the Axes server setup, port assignments and other techno-guff in a few days.
Hello Nick & Co,
I’m trying to install AXES but i have an error everytime I try to LODRUN DEV(*SAVF) SAVF(QGPL/AXINSPKG) . It says “the keyword SAVF it’s not valid for this command”. I’m stuck at this step. Please, could you help me or give me any advice?
do a WRKCMD *ALL/LODRUN to make sure you are running the IBM i LODRUN command. I just double-checked it and it’s definitely valid. I’m at IBM i 7.4 what version are you at?