Protonmail First Thoughts

February 26, 2023

Protonmail First Thoughts

By NickLitten

February 26, 2023

email, PROTON

Protonmail feels like Gmail!

Both Protonmail and Gmail have similar features and can be used on any device. Protonmail also has many more privacy settings and comes with aquivalent for calendar, contacts, drive plus a wonderful VPN option!

ProtonMail has to a clean, minimalist design with separate boxes delineating different areas in the screen ui. I like this a lot and find it easier to look at than gmail. It feels organized and easier to navigate.

I like it so far 🙂

  • Like you I have used Gmail and various business products from Google. I found Protonmail when I started getting “targeted” emails and web recommendations which could only have come from a scan of my emails and web traffic.

    I like Protonmail and have moved my various domain emails to it. Simple and safe. If only the rest of the world was like that.

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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