This is purely a little memory jogger for me. Nothing to read here move along move along…..
I just upgraded an old program that had a piece of code doing this:
This old RPG400 code is reading the cursor position from the display file information data structure and doing some divisions then MOVING REMAINDER into a field to find the column. Quite smelly code I know, but also code that doesnt translate into modern RPG very well.
I had to scratch my head to remember how to do DIVISION and REMAINDERS in modern ILE RPG. so decided to quickly blog it so that I dont forget again.
I changed the file information data structure into a qualified data structure and then rewrote it in modern RPG like this:
poslin = infds_dspf.RowColumn / 256;
poscol = %rem(infds_dspf.RowColumn:256);
Some of the archaic whiff has been polished off. It’s nice because you dont need the actual divison statement anymore you can use a much simpler, cleaner %REM big to get your remainder:
C A Div 256 B
C Mvr C
C = %rem(A:256);
Still Confused?
Here is a little example from the IBM Manual:
dcl-s A int(10) inz(123);
dcl-s B int(10) inz(27);
dcl-s DIV int(10);
dcl-s REM int(10);
dcl-s E int(10);
DIV = %DIV(A:B); // DIV is now 4
REM = %REM(A:B); // REM is now 15
E = DIV*B + REM; // E is now 123
Isn’t remainder of 123/27 = .555555555 ?
This is about remainder 27 *4 = 108 and 123-108 = 15 But Decimal portion is different 123/27 = 4.5555
123 /27
15 4
To get only the decimals portion divide the remainder 15/27 will give you a decimal part of 0.555.
muy bueno el ejemplo, demás de claro