Every propeller head takes some kind of perverse joy from wiping and reinstalling their Windows Machine. I know I do. After a year of various software installs, un-installs, re-installs, tweaks, hacks, dicking around (that’s a technical term) my Windows machine starts to get twitchy and a little punch drunk.
It’s time for a fresh install and this is a quick list of IBM i Specific windows tweaks and software installs I do after it comes back to life:
If you are playing with Android APP development or just want to tinker with it then…
Turn on Developer Mode for APPS
Goto Settings -> update and security -> For developers
Select the developer mode option.

Go and grab the latest version of Android Studio and download it for free.
Enable LINUX on your windows machine
We all want to be Linux Nerds at heart dont we? The LINUX Layer is a Windows subsystem that lets any 64bit Windows User tinker with Linux Apps (yup, if you are stuck on smelly old 32-bit then you are shit outta luck quite unlucky) and it’s included for free ever since the Windows 10 Anniversary Update
Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is a compatibility layer for running Linux binary executables (in ELF format) natively on Windows 10. WSL provides a Linux-compatible kernel interface developed by Microsoft (containing no Linux kernel code), which can then run a Linux userland on top of it, such as that of Ubuntu, SUSE or Fedora…. Such a userland might contain a Bash shell and command language, with native Linux command-line tools (sed, awk, etc.) and programming language interpreters (Ruby, Python, etc.) — Some bloke at Microsoft
Sounds quite exciting right? So, lets enable it:
Control panel -> programs and features – > Turn windows features on or off.
Check “Windows subsystem for Linux” to activate:

Tinkering with Linux is now as easy as pie.
The Windows Fall Creators Update allows Linux distributions to be installed through the Windows Store, and introduces Fedora and Suse images. This is brand new functionality so expect to see lots of new Linux APPS in the Windows APP Store 🙂

Now before I go waffling about Linux distro’s lets get back on track…
Notepad++ is a text editor, HTML editor and programmers editor for Windows. While it can serve as a good Notepad replacement, it also offers many powerful features for Web page authors and programmers.

It’s a free open-source application that is just great for editing text documents, html or php files and just about anything where you want to quickly edit simple text or do funky things like mass find/replace functions, macros, quick-text, highlighted source and much more.
Notably it has some nice XML, HTML and CSS reformatting tools that I use all the time.
I keep reading about RPGLE code editor plugins but I havent tried any of them yet. #shameonme
RDI – Rational Developer for i
IBM® Rational® Developer for i is an integrated development environment (IDE) built on the Eclipse platform. Designed for creating and maintaining applications on IBM i systems, it resides on the developer’s desktop, supporting development in both host-connected and disconnected modes.
RDi is the gold standard for IBM i Software Developers.

Sadly, if you are a freelance developer you will have to cough up the $900 seat license! It’s arguably worth it tho…
Mi Workplace – #1 RPG Alternative Editor
Mi Workplace – Previously known as RPGNextGen, MiWorkplace is an development environment for the IBM i platform.

It’s more than just an RPG editor, it’s an integrated development environment developed for the users and with the users.
If you cant get RDi, but can afford the annual fee (around $99) then this might be your best best!
WDSC – Outdated RPG Free Editor
Websphere Development Studio Client is the original Eclipse based RPG Editor used by RPG programmers in the late 90’s and early 2k’s. It was abandoned and came back as RDi which is rebooted, shiny and more glamorous (just like Star Trek Discovery).

WDSC is old, Deprecated but still better than SEU if that is your only option.
There are lots of other editors in this space. Take your pick.
5250 Emulator
RDi integrated Emulator
If you are using RDi – dont forget you have a very nice little Emulator built in.
Just right click the system name and then EMULATOR:

A relatively new player on the scene. The new (rewritten) version of IBM’s old Client Access emulator is sweet.

The 5250 Emulator has fixed lots of the small annoyances I had with the old Client Access emulator.
IBM i ACS is now a nice experience. The simple toolbar and once click access to the IFS is a god send:

Check it out here
Mochasoft 5250
I’m a big fan of Mochasoft 5250 Emulator. I bought a license years ago and still use it daily.

It’s simple, clean and does what it says on the tin.
Code Testing Tools
I love SOAPUI. It’s the first testing tool that I discovered when taking my first steps into the world of webservices and trying to access the internet from my dodgy old RPG Programs. It makes life simple and really helps the whole XML/JSON/SOAP/REST understanding when you are a noob

The Glitzy big brother of SOAPUI. POSTMAN is a very cool and professional webservice API testing tool. I like it:

Install Git
Git for windows. https://git-for-windows.github.io/
After installation use this command. “git config –global core.eol lf” and “git config –global core.autocrlf input” in windows command prompt

Lots of other stuff
Which Browser?
Chrome, Opera, Firefox and Edge
Which Squisher and De-Squisher?
Winrar. end of story.
Which Video Editor?
Sony Vegas Pro
Muvee Reveal
Which Image Editor?
Adobe Paintshop CS4 – for complex and mind boggling schnizzle
GIMP for the quick and dirty stuff
GREENSHOT – Seriously this little screen grabber and editor is awesome. It’s free and I use it for all the images on this blog.
… and the list goes on.
But frankly I’ve simply run out of time writing this blog… so I am going to make a cup of coffee instead and get on with some RPG code walloping.