F$%#^K#$ing POS Landrover LR3

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August 14, 2013

F$%#^K#$ing POS Landrover LR3

By NickLitten

August 14, 2013

Boris, Landrover, LR3, POS

I am angrier than a very Angry Bird.

Boris the Landrover is once again proving that it can refuse to start in nearly every State in the USA…

What makes it worse is that last Friday – I just got it back from the Garage who happily told me the problem was fixed. “A new battery, alternator and a full service will do the trick” I was happily informed. More dollars came spilling out of a wallet that was already empty and filled with dust and cobwebbs.

For a glorious five days he has been running nicely and I’ve been all happy thinking the curse has finally been broken.

But… *sigh*… BUT…. it firking hasnt.

Today its back!


The power of Christ did not compel these engine demons to leave 🙁

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