Free Bullworker Wallchart – Isometric Exercise Training Planner

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January 8, 2014

Free Bullworker Wallchart – Isometric Exercise Training Planner

By NickLitten

January 8, 2014

bullworker, isometric, isometrics, isoworker, steelbow, wallchart

Free Bullworker Wallchart – Isometric Exercise Training Planner

What Is the Bullworker?

The Bullworker is an exercise device that’s used for isometric exercise. It features spring-loaded, contracting cylinders and users push inward on both ends of the device to work the arm muscles. It has strap down the side which expand the workout to include pulling out for lateral workouts. This design allows the Bullworker to be used for exercising the legs and lower body.

Bullworker HQ

But if you have found this blog then you know that anyway šŸ˜‰

I rebuilt my blog last weekend, and while checking logs this morning I was amazed to see that the sixth most accessed topic this week is the old blogs I wrote for the Bullworker UK website (which sadly went out of business just over ten years ago).

As I write this, it’s a couple of weeks after Saturnalia/Hannukah/Christmas/USA-Holidays and people are desperately thinking about working off those Chrimbo calories. All of us with straining post-Christmas waistlines are digging out old Bullworkers from the cupboard (where they have been gathering dust since the same time last year). It’s time to get some isometric, isokinetic, isothingie exercise on and build some muscles while losing some fat cells.

Seriously though, the Bullworker is a great exercise machine and I miss running the Bullworker UK website: I genuinely believe this little exercise device works well and it has an active and passionate fan base. The forums were always active and I met some really nice folks online.

Anyway – one of the search phrases that bought people here is “bullworker wall chart” so I dug out an old workout wallchart (which used to sell for $9.99).

Since the company is no longer trading, I guess it’s fair to share it with the world. šŸ˜‰

Free Bullworker WallChart

Bullworker Exercise Wallchart
Bullworker Training Exercise Chart

More free Bullworker downloads

I found a bunch of old scans of vintage bullworker wallcharts.

Most of the exercises are roughly the same.

If you want to see the some historical Bullworker charts with free download grab them here

  • Hi Nick just a big thank you for the wall chart download, been working with my 25 year old bullworker since I found your chart, seriously impressed with how my fitness and muscle size is growing, not bad for a 53 year old lol.


    • You’re welcome. I have a collection of old Bullworkers and even some prototype models from when I worked with Bullworker UK a decade ago. Maybe I should dig them out and do a blog about them… glad you enjoy the chart!

  • Hi Nick. Had an original BW in my teens. Now 64 and needed something to stop the bod seizing up. Brother in law said he had a BW X5 in the loft for years. Sent to me and with the help of your chart, going good so far. I’ve been trying to find out a bit about the straps. Are the stitched areas supposed to jam up / stop at the rollers? I assume not but, thought you might be able to help with that question. Can’t find anything on the net at all. This seems to restrict the movement on some of the exercises. Thanks again.

  • I am 55 and used my first BW when i was a kid, it belonged to one of my ephemeral stepdads =) Found one back at a yard sale a few years ago dor less than 5 dollars, couldnt resist, but it came without chart, so you have just made my day today, i want to get a little more fit, and this will be of a great help !!!

  • The. Chart is very useful, and necessary. So thankyou for being a person with a benificent thought for others. I bought my bullworker. Many many yearā€™s ago when they cost Ā£25. Amazon prices are really ridiculous now. Itā€™s the best piece of equipment ever made. And Iā€™m still using it at 90. People do dispose of a bullworker as they age. BUT, YOU NEVER GET RID OF YOUR BULLWORKER. ITS A GOD SEND.

  • I cleaned off my early ā€˜70ā€™s bullworker and started using it from memory. I may have the book that came with it somewhere. Until I find it, this chart will refresh my memory. Thanks for the chart.

  • I wish you had a chart for the model Bullworker I have. All your charts show a Bullworker that has handles that extend over the metal tubing 8 to 10 inches, and some of the exercises require holding that part of the extended handle. The one that I have has only the hand grabs on the ends. There must be a different chart for this model but I have not been able to find one.

  • Hi Iā€™ve been using my BW since 1970s Iā€™m sure itā€™s what has helped me keep fit & healthy (only walking other exercise) Iā€™m now 70 feel like 50!

  • Hi, I have just recovered my original Bullworker from my son who has had it for about 30 years and it must be one of the very earliest. From memory, now fading, I must have bought it mail order in the early 60s as I not long started work. The ads featured a very young Dave Prowse. I remember being able, just, to compress it fully across my chest but that was then and I am now having a second go with it as I approach 79. I think the original chart showed some exercises using a door frame but that is long lost by someone who borrowed it so I am looking forward to using the charts you have made available. The original had no gauges so it will be just a question of squeeze and hope.
    Two quick questions if anyone can answer. Is the original release date known and what would be the full compression pressure of the original. From what my son has told me the later ones were softer than the original but it is possible that they were made with varying spring strengths. Thanks again for the charts.

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