IBM i ACS and its weird AUTO UPDATE function!?

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August 20, 2024

IBM i ACS and its weird AUTO UPDATE function!?

By NickLitten

August 20, 2024


IBM Access Client Solutions (ACS) has a feature to check for updates automatically. You can enable this feature by selecting the “Check for Updates” option under the Help menu of the ACS Main User Interface. Alternatively, you can go to Edit -> Preferences and select “Notify when update is available”.

So, you run the update and then expect to see the latest version:

IBM i ACS and its weird AUTO UPDATE function!?

Which happily updates me to the entirely wrong version Build 3301 dated roughly a year ago. Aaaaaargh

After the auto-update and reboot (to “nuke it from orbit to be sure”) I see:

IBM i ACS and its weird AUTO UPDATE function!?

And yet… if I log into the IBM i ACS website I can see this is NOT the latest version.

The real version I see for download is V1.1.9.6 !!!

IBM i ACS and its weird AUTO UPDATE function!?

Weird huh? So, I downloaded it manually and installed just fine. I’m mirroring the latest version here if you want to snaffle it.

So, here I am now running in all my v1.1.9.6 glory:

IBM i ACS and its weird AUTO UPDATE function!?
  • Doesn’t that mean that you have configured an IBM i server as your primary update site in ACS? And that the IBM i has an outdated version of ACS on it?
    Would be nice if the update function would actually check if the ‘update’ is newer than your current version if that is the case though! XD

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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